For the animals
Friedrich Mülln // Pseudonym: Marcus Müller (2006-2012)
Born in Germany 1980
Start in the vegan way of life
Flyers against sale and trade of exotic wildlife, petition against underwater hunting and nuclear tests
Initiative against animal experiments Salzburg, information booths for Sea Shepherd.
First fur farm investigation, Luhe Wildenau Bavaria
Campaign against the mink farm Waging, turkey farm Schönram, Research on rabbit farming.
First research on Wiesenhof, research and campaign against the fur farm Amberg
First TV programm on poultry market leader Wiesenhof, ARD Monitor
Uncovering "The roar of cattle", antibiotics scandal in pig farms AT / DE
Undercover research in India on leather production
Uncovering pig farms, rabbit mast, closing the Fur farm Waging. University studies of political science
4 months undercover in the primate toxicity test lab Covance. First undercover photos of primate animal experiments from Germany
Covance Trials - Victory against Covance and Censorship of press, Closure of the fur farm Amberg
Investigations on turkey farming, closure of two laying battery farms, exposure of the torture of elephant child Moglu in Austria, closure of the last fox farm farm in germany. MUT medal for Covance undercover investigation. USA Exotics / Exotic Pets investigation.
Undercover research on foie gras production and puppy trade
Collaboration with Four Paws, campaign against rabbit caging, forcefeeding, exit of rabbit meat sales. First shots of the new cage cage, small group cages.
Collapse of the force fed meat market in Austria and Germany, undercover investigation on live plucking
Closure of two rabbit farms in Hungary and France. Campaign against the living plucking of geese, uncovering the living plucking in Germany, goose farm Schwerk
Undercover investigation at the down companies Rohdex and Böhmerwald because of live plucked down. Participation in the EFSA Expert Commission of EU on live plucking issue. Research on Puppy Trading and canned Hunting. Undercover research by German down companies on the subject of live plucking
Detection of illegal laying batteries in Germany, France and Italy Research on the rabbit mast in Hungary, France and Italy
Separation of four paws in protest against seal of approval for animal suffering products and because of diverse criticisms of bureaucracy and waste in such big organizations. Collaboration cinema production "The ghosts in our machine", Foundation of SOKO Tierschutz e.V.
Discovery at Wiesenhof at Putenmast, Privathof Label and Hühnermast. Mink oil campaign ends with nationwide discontinuation from trading. Kaufhof, Karstadt become after a SOKO Campaign foie gras free
Undercover research at the Max Planck Institute Tübingen, launch of the MPI campaign. Research on turkey mast Hubers, Süddeutsche Truthanhn AG.
Uncovering the conditions at Pohlmann Bayern Ei, undercover research in Pig fattening, research on long-distance transports for poultry, ARD film "Mission Animal Welfare", reception of the LUSH Prize for SOKO Tierschutz MPI campaign.
Discovery of Herrmannsdorfer (organic). Start of the Stopfleberfree campaign. Detection and closure of pig farm in Merklingen with Animal welfare label. Research on the caging of quails.
Success of the MPI campaign with the end of monkey trials. Uncovering the Slaughterhouses Fürstenfeldbruck, Düren, Eschweiler. Closure of the slaughterhouses Fürstenfeldbruck and Eschweiler. Project "Animal welfare in the classroom". Foie gras campaign "Mia san Stopflerfrei"
Uncovering the slaughterhouses Tauberbischofsheim, Hohengöhren and Bad Iburg. All three establishments were closed by the authorities. TAZ Panter Award for SOKO Tierschutz.
This story is not over yet :)